"Still lyf" ( for Amber )

You are on the path of life, life is not on your path. A painting about how sometime life throws stuff at you that you were not expecting. A ballon in mid blowing up.

" i fell in love under a blood red moon"

I find it so interesting and amazing how certain things lead to other things, sometimes things happen as if by magic.

"Fishing in Annamoe"

While fishing in Annamoe in Wicklow, Ireland as a small child in a centre where the fish were already there for you , you just had to catch them i accidentally saw behind the curtain where they gutted the fish and to say i was scared was an understatement.

" My broken skull does not define me"

The first skull i ever painted is a comment on mental health, i think its very important to not let small tiny parts that make you you , define you ( though i think its very important to address if your feeling a little low and sad it is important to not let it define you )

sidenote - If anyone reading this is feeling sad or alone no matter where you are in the world please send me an email at tagbeckett@gmail.com do not be afraid to reach out.

"Three kings"

1. The moment Eric Cantona fly kicked a fan will always be in my memory as the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen on television.

2. I have in my whole life sent a fan letter to one person, that person is Damon Hill , i spent hours crafting this beautifully articulate letter, he did not respond.

3. My hair has been silvered since i was around 14 or 15 years old at the same time i lost my virginity George had just left E.R and was becoming a massive movie star.

"If there is a wolf at my door i'm going to chop its head off"

I have been very low at times in my life, it is very hard to be a human sometimes. the black dog or wolf is a very real thing. This is a painting about me seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

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